Alexander Daniel LLC
World Class Business Brokers and Intermediaries

5815 Dearborn Suite 101

Mission KS.  66202


913-262-6461 Fax



    Welcome to Alexander Daniel LLC, a full service business brokerage firm serving the greater Kansas City area for 10 years. Our mission is to assist business owners in realizing the reward they have earned for building and sustaining a small business. We at Alexander Daniel believe that small business is the backbone of the economy and that the owner of a small business needs to follow a certain set of steps in order to receive the proper return on their life investment. The first step in that process is to select a qualified intermediary to assist them in this very important transition. It has been our great priviledge to serve in that capacity for the past decade.



    The second great priviledge for us at Alexander Daniel is having the opportunity to work with individuals who have decided to take a more self-directed approach to their career and wealth building strategy by becoming business owners. We believe it is extremely important to get to know the wants, needs and desires of potential buyers as well as becoming familiar with their particular set of skills in order to best match them up with the right opportunity.



     If you are interested in either selling your business or purchasing a business please contact us to set up a meeting at your earliest convenience. Please take some time to review the current businesses we have for sale or avail yourself of some of the resources we offer on subsequent pages. We look forward to meeting you.




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